Frequently Asked Questions
May I come for a tour of Sandy Ridge Kennels?
Absolutely, you are welcome to visit our facility for a tour. Since we’re often busy caring for our canine guests, we only ask that you call to let us know you’re coming so that we can better accommodate you. Tours are normally given during our normal business hours.
Do I need to make a reservation?
Yes, we will be happy to take your reservation during our office hours. As our suites are limited and demand can be high, we strongly recommend reservations for stays during holidays or summer months be made at least four to five weeks in advance. To view, fill out and print out our application form, please click here.
May I bring my own food?
Yes, actually we request that you do and strongly urge you to do so. Please be sure to bring enough food for your pet’s entire stay and provide it in a rigid plastic container marked with your pet’s name(s) so that we can keep it organized on our storage shelves.
Are we required to provide our own food?
In our experience, we find that it’s best to not make any sudden changes to your pet’s diet as this often triggers flatulence, stomach upset, and diarrhea. As stated above, we therefore strongly encourage you to bring an ample supply of the food you feed your canine friend at home. If this isn’t possible for you (or if we should run out during your pet’s stay with us), for a slight additional charge per day, we will provide a high quality, high protein dry kibble.
May I bring my own bed?
Every guest is provided with a very comfortable raised canvas-backed cot. You are always welcome to bring a CLEAN blanket, bed, or towel to make your pet feel more at home. We provide a raised kennel create not canvas backed cot.
What vaccinations are required for my dog to stay at Sandy Ridge Kennels?
All dogs are required to have the following vaccinations:
- Rabies
- Distemper (DHLPP)
- Bordetella (Canine Cough Vaccination)
Does Sandy Ridge Kennels keep a record of my pet’s vaccination records?
Yes, we record your pet’s vaccination history at the time of their first stay. As a courtesy to our clients, we will confirm with your veterinarian’s office that your pet is current on all vaccinations each time you make a reservation. If a vaccination is overdue, we will notify you via phone.
Please note, due to clients moving, phone numbers changing or clients switching veterinarians, it is the responsibility of the client to have their pet current on all required inoculations.
What if my dog is on medication(s)?
Prescription medications and supplements can be administered by our experienced staff, however, we do not do injections. Any prescription medication your dog may required must, according the NC state law, be provided to us in its original bottle or packaging with the prescription information clearly legible and intact. At the time of your check-in present the medication with a description of its proper dosage and frequency.
What is the procedure if my pet becomes ill while at Sandy Ridge Kennels?
While this is rare, it does occur on occasion and, if it should happen to your pet, we make every effort to contact you immediately to let you know about the situation. Guests are monitored throughout the day by experienced staff in order to recognize early signs of illness. With this level of supervision, it is often easier for kennel personnel to detect problems than it is for the owner of the dog. For example, blood in the urine - a warning sign that demands immediate attention - can be detected more easily in the kennel than at home because the dog is exercised in a specific area that is cleaned regularly.
With these cases, we would transport your pet to their own veterinarian whenever possible. If it is not possible or if we feel your pet needs immediate attention, he/she would be transported to a local veterinarian to ensure your pet’s well-being.
Does Sandy Ridge Kennels provide a pick up or delivery service?
Not at this time. Due to the modest size of our family-owned operation, we are presently unable to provide pick-up or delivery services. However, that may be something we will consider offering in the future.
When you are closed on holidays is the kennel staffed?
Yes, our facility is fully-staffed whenever we have guests. We do not schedule guests if we plan to take our own family vacation and only on certain holidays is our office closed to the public.
Can someone else drop off or pick up my pet(s)?
Yes, you may have a friend or family member either pick up or drop off your pet. We do require a permission note signed by you for anyone picking up your pet. We will not release your pet to anyone but those designated in your pet’s file without a permission note.
Upon arriving home, my dog appeared tired. Why is this?
After a period of boarding, dogs may return home tired. It is very similar to a child going away to camp, or the feeling you get after returning home from a long vacation. As much as being away from home can be fun, it’s tiring. Here at our facility with the excitement of the other dogs and the interaction with our staff, they tend to stay active throughout the entire day. After a few days or more of this much activity, they will rest when they get home and be back to their old selves in a day or so.
Upon arriving home, my dog appeared to be thirsty. Why is this?
Every guest whether boarding or grooming at our facility will be provided with water twenty four hours a day. However, some guests will seem thirsty when they first arrive home. Typically this is caused by the excitement and anxiety of being reunited with their owner. During this period of adjustment, it is best to limit their water intake for the first hour or two of arriving home.
To view, fill out and print out our application form, please click here or the button below.
Contact Information
19 Old Mill RoadFuquay-Varina, NC 27526
Phone: (919) 552-1025
Cell: (919) 291-6622
Call for hours of operation at
(919) 552-1025

Please call for our rates, hours, availability, driving directions and an explanation of the services we provide for your beloved friend(s) while you're away.
Phone: 919-552-1025